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les ambassadeurs

Je m’appelle Emilie, j’ai 23 ans et suis un bénévole au centre international de ressources (CRI) à Dinan depuis le 1er Octobre 2014.
Lors de ma dernière année d'école, j’ai effectué un stage au Québec, Canada, de Février à Juin 2013.
Après cela, j’ai décidé de demander un programme vacances-travail. Je suis donc resté au Québec six mois de plus ce qui m’a permis de travailler et voyager dans tout le pays.


My name is Emilie, I am 23 and I am a volunteer at the resource center international in Dinan since October 1, 2014.
During my last year of school, I went to do an internship in Quebec, Canada from February 2013 to June 2013.
After that, I decided to ask the Working Holiday program. So I stayed in Quebec for six months. I have worked and traveled throughout the country.


Bonjour, je m’appelle Aude, j’ai 26 ans et viens de Dinan. J’ai obtenu mon master en intervention sociale il y a un an. Je suis ensuite partie 6 mois en service volontaire européen de février à juillet en Pologne. Je travaillais avec des adultes handicapés. En octobre j’ai participé à un projet Grundtvig en Lituanie. Le but était la création d’un partenariat associatif entre une association grècque, lituanienne et française.


I'm Aude, I come from Dinan and I'm 26.

I finished my master degree in social action 1 year ago. From last february to july i did my EVS in Poland. I was working with mentally disabled adults. In october i participated in a Grundtvig project in Lituania. The aim was to create new partnership between Lituanian, Greek and French organizations.

Bonjour, je m'appelle  Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, ou bien François.
Je suis actuellement en mission diplomatique.
Je travail pour differents gouvernements immaginaires quelque part en Europe, au meme titre que les villes invisibles d'Italo Calvino.  Je trace des lignes sur la mobilitée, entre les Echanges et initiatives de jeunes, vers le SVE, et dans les formations professionels.
Je travail tout les jours à devenir " intuitu personae"et j'éspere bien y arriver un jour ou l'autre.


Hello, my name is Mr. Ambassador , or François.
Actually I am on a diplomatic mission.
I work for various governments imaginary somewhere in Europe, the same way as Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. I draw lines on the mobilitée between Exchange and youth initiatives towards the EVS and the professional training.
I work every day to become " intuitu personae " and I hope to get there one day or another.

Je m’appelle Steven, j’ai 24 ans et viens de Dinan. Pour l'instant je suis professeur de sport pour les personnes aveugles et professeur de tennis. J’ai beaucoup voyagé pendant quatre ans. J’ai étudié à Valence (Espagne) grâce à Erasmus, puis je suis allé à Nazca au Pérou pour enseigner le sport dans une ONG. Aussi j’ai mené un échange de jeunes en Estonie et j’ai été en charge d'un programme Grundvtig Yorie (Jeunes et vieux dans les identités régionales en Europe), avec lequel j’ai voyagé en Espagne, au Portugal et en Italie.
En outre, je suis impliqué dans une organisation européenne ESN (Erasmus Student Network ) qui aident les étudiants internationaux à s’intégrer dans leur nouvelle ville. Avec cette organisation j’essaie de créer plus d’échanges interculturels.
Prochain défi à l'avenir pour moi, Tour d'Europe à vélo !


I'm Steven from Dinan and I'm 24. For now i'm sport teacher for blind people and tennis teacher. I travelled a lot for four years.  I studied in Valencia (Spain) thanks to Erasmus and then i went to Nazca in Peru to teach sport in a NGO. Also i led a Youth Exchange in Estonia and I was in charge of a Grundvtig programme YORIE (Youth and Old for Regional Identities in Europe) which i travelled in Spain, Portugal and Italia.

Moreover I'm involved in an european organisation ESN (Erasmus Student Network) which help international students to integrate their new city. With this organisation i try to create more intercultural exchange ! 

Next challenge in the future for me, Tour of Europe on bike!


Olá! Sou a Margarida e tenho 24 anos.

Licencie-me em Educação Social na Universidade de Faro, em Portugal. Após os meus estudos realizei um programa de moblidade europeia, que se chama Leonardo da Vinci,  dando-me oportunidade de me deslocar 3 meses a Pau, França. Este projecto consistiu no apoio aos sem-abrigos. Foi uma experiência bastante positiva e interessante.


Olá! My name is Margarida and I'm 24 years old. I took a degree in Social Education at the University of Faro, in Portugal. After my studies I joined an European mobility project, called Leonardo Da Vinci, which has given me the opportunity to spend 3 months in Pau, France. The project consisted of supporting homeless people. It was a very positive and interesting experience..


Sono Livia! Vengo da Matera e ho 21 anni. Sono studentessa di scienze della comunicazione. L'anno scorso ho partecipato al mio primo progetto, uno scambio giovanile in Ungheria. Il progetto era sull'ambiente e il riciclo.
Ho avuto l'opportunità di fare un altro progetto in Spagna! Il tema del progetto era il rispetto della natura attraverso tecniche teatrali.
Dopo questi ho partecipato ad uno SVE in Romania. Insegnavo inglese ai bimbi in asilo. Il mio ultimo progetto è stato in Polonia, era uno scambio giovanile ma stavolta ero la leader del gruppo italiano. Il progetto era sulle tradizioni e come salvarle.
Questi progetti mi hanno aiutato ad essere più socievole, aperta alle novità e creativa.


I'm Livia! I come from Matera and I'm 21. I'm a student of Communication Sciences.

I did my first project last year. It was a youth exchange in Hungary. The project was about environment and recycling. I had the opportunity to do another project in Spain. The theme was the respect of the nature through theatrical activities.
After this i did a short EVS in Romania. I taught English to the children in kindergatens.
My last project was a youth exchange in Poland but this time I was the leader of the Italian group. The project was about traditions and how to save them.
These project helped me to be more friendly, open minded and creative.


Sono Dario, ho 25 anni e vivo a Bari. Ho partecipato a diversi scambi giovanili in Europa. Nel 2014 ho trascorso 6 mesi in Macedonia grazie al progetto SVE. Ho lavorato in un centro giovanile occupandomi delle attivita culturali e sportive. Ho organizzato workshop e programmi speciali per bambini disabili e a rischio di esclusione sociale.


I'm Dario from Bari. I'm 25 and I've attended several youth exchages all around Europe. This year I spent 6 months in Macedonia doing my EVS project: I worked in a Youth Center and I was in charge for cultural and sport activities, workshops and special program for kids in social risk and with disabilities.


Sono Rossella, ho 22 anni e studio lingue all'università di Bari. Ho trascorso un semestre a Liverpool, Regno Unito, grazie al programma Erasmus, che da agli studenti l'opportunità di seguire corsi in università estere. E' una delle esperienze migliori per uno studente, poiché offre la possibilità di approfondire le conoscenze vivendo in una societa diversa, adattandosi ad un nuovo stile di vita.


I'm Rossella Dimola, I'm 22 and I'm studying foreign languages at the University of Bari. I spent a semester in Liverpool thanks to the Erasmus programe,which gives students the possibility to attend courses at foreign universities. It is one of the best life experiences for students. It offers a direct contact with a new reality. A student can, therfore, widen his/her knowledge by living in a different society adapting to a new way of life.


Hola, me llamo Natalia. Soy Trabajadora Social,  Antropóloga e Informadora Juvenil.Disfruté de mi Erasmus durante un año en Lisboa, Portugal.Después he participado en diferentes proyectos. Uno de los más importantes fue mi voluntariado en Brasil con menores de Naciones Unidas.Y por supuesto, my experiencia como Leonardo cambio mi vida. Estuve en Gales trabajando en el àrea de violencia de género.Ahora soy voluntaria en proyectos locales.


Hi, my name is Natalia. I am Social Worker and Anthropologist. Also I am Youth Worker.I enjoyed my Erasmus during one year in Lisbon, Portugal.After I have been in different project. One of the most important was working with street children in Brazil for United Nations.And of course, the Leonardo experience changed my life. I was in Wales working with Domestic Abuse.Now I am volunteer in local projects.

Soy Lusine, la chica de 22 años que está haciendo su SVE en León, una de las ciudades con màs encanto de España. En la Asociación Auryn estamos trabajando con niños y jóvenes, tratando de crear conciencia pública sobre Derechos Humanos, la tolerancia y la solidaridad.
También tengo experiencias en intercambios de jóvenes y cursos de formación.
Estas experiencias han sido y son oportunidades que me han ayudado a ser una persona màs abierta y mirar mas alla de lo que me rodea.


Hey, I am Lusine, 22-years-old armenian girl who is doing her EVS is Leon, one of the kindest cities of Spain. In Auryn Association we are working with kids and youngsters, we are trying to raise public awareness about HR, tolerance and solidarity. 
I also have an experience with youth exchanges and training courses.
All these were and are the opportunities to become more open minded and think outside the box.


Sono Livia! Vengo da Matera e ho 21 anni. Sono studentessa di scienze della comunicazione. L'anno scorso ho partecipato al mio primo progetto, uno scambio giovanile in Ungheria. Il progetto era sull'ambiente e il riciclo.
Ho avuto l'opportunità di fare un altro progetto in Spagna! Il tema del progetto era il rispetto della natura attraverso tecniche teatrali.
Dopo questi ho partecipato ad uno SVE in Romania. Insegnavo inglese ai bimbi in asilo. Il mio ultimo progetto è stato in Polonia, era uno scambio giovanile ma stavolta ero la leader del gruppo italiano. 


I'm Livia! I come from Matera and I'm 21. I'm a student of Communication Sciences.

I did my first project last year. It was a youth exchange in Hungary. The project was about environment and recycling. I had the opportunity to do another project in Spain. The theme was the respect of the nature through theatrical activities.
After this i did a short EVS in Romania. I taught English to the children in kindergatens.
My last project was a youth exchange in Poland but this time I was the leader of the Italian group. The project was about traditions and how to save them.
These project helped me to be more friendly, open minded and creative.

Pentru mine (si eu sunt Clara), o mobilitate este adesea despre sentimente, despre curiozitati si temeri, despre un cantec bun intr-o zi rece de toamna. Este despre placerea de a descoperi oameni cu care rezonezi si vibrezi. Despre idei si emotii, despre suflete bune, despre locuri ascunse si mancaruri extravagante si, mai presus de toate, este o calatorie in care inveti sa te descoperi...


To me (and I am Clara), a mobility is most of the times about feelings, about curiosity and fears, about a good song in a cold day of fall. It is about the pleasure to discover people to whom I feel a good connection. It is about sharing ideas and emotions, about discovering kind souls, unknown places and extravagant food and above all a journey to discovery yourself...


Szia ! Sou a  Dóra, une hongroise in Portugal… I’m a social worker. I did my European Voluntary Service (EVS) in 1998 in Comunidade Juvenil S. Francisco de Assis, Coimbra. Since this time i always worked with children and young people with less opportunity, organized Youth Exchanges, International Work Camps and also coordinate EVS volunteers. 


Szia ! Sou a  Dóra, une hongroise in Portugal… I’m a social worker. I did my European Voluntary Service (EVS) in 1998 in Comunidade Juvenil S. Francisco de Assis, Coimbra. Since this time i always worked with children and young people with less opportunity, organized Youth Exchanges, International Work Camps and also coordinate EVS volunteers. 


Salve, il mio nome è Berardino, ma tutti mi chiamano Benny.
Ho 30 anni. Dopo la laurea in Economia Aziendale ho fatto domanda per diversi programmi di mobilità.
Scambi di giovani, training courses, SVE.
A breve termine in Inghilterra, EVS-lungo termine in Romania (8 mesi), in una scuola inclusiva, sostenendo le attività degli insegnanti e preparando l'animazione in scuola e fuori.
Da marzo fino a giugno 2014, sono stato partecipante di un progetto Leonardo da Vinci a Maribor (Slovenia), ho svolto il tirocinio supportando la reception, gli uffici di Internet Sales e uffici di gestione eventi, di un importante Hotel 4 stelle della città.
Lavoro con i giovani, perché mi rende felice!


Howdy, my name is Berardino, but everyone call me Benny.I'm 30. After my bachelor in Business Economics I applied for different mobility programs.Youth exchanges, training courses, EVS.Short-term in England, long-term EVS in Romania (8 months) in a inclusive school, supporting teachers activities and preparing animation in school and outside.Since March till June 2014, I have been participant of a Leonardo da Vinci project in Maribor (Slovenia), carrying out the internship supporting reception, Internet Sales and event management offices, in a important 4 stars Hotel of the city.I work with youth because it makes me happy!

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