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Ciao! Mi chiamo Marianna e ho 29 anni. Durante gli studi universitari ho vissuto un anno in Turchia con il programma Erasmus e l'anno scorso sono stata 4 mesi in Irlanda con un progetto Leonardo, lavorando come educatrice presso un centro giovanile. In Italia ho partecipato all'organizzazione di un evento di Youth  in Action e da quest'esperienza è nata un'associazione che promuove progetti di sviluppo territoriali, ed in particolare è stato sviluppato un progetto di cohousing giovanile. Attualmente lavoro nella progettazione europea e come formatrice per i giovani. 


Hi!I'm Marianna and I'm 29 years-old. During my studies at university I spent one year in Turkey with the Erasmus program and last year I was 4 months in Ireland with a Leonardo project, working as educator in a Youthreach centre. I took part to the organisation of a Youth in Action event in Italy and from this experience arised an association with the aim to promote local projects for young people, a cohousing project in particular. I'm currently working in the field of European projects and  also as a youth trainer. 


Mi chiamo Angela Petruzzelli, ho 27 anni e sono pugliese.

Dopo la laurea triennale in Lettere e Cultura dell’Antichità presso l’Università degli studi di Bari e un semestre come studentessa Erasmus a Parigi, ho studiato all’estero nell’ambito del programma Erasmus Mundus durante il biennio di specialista, in Scozia, Francia e Portogallo, laureandomi l’anno scorso in lettere comparate e antropologia.

Dopo un anno di lavoro a Bari, in Puglia, ho deciso di investirmi in un progetto europeo che potesse essere interessante e formativo e potesse offrirmi una prospettiva nuova e diversa da quella offertami dagli studi.

Ho dunque mandato varie candidature ed ho iniziato il mio SVE a Dinan, della durata di 9mesi.

Qui, lavoro con l’associazione Intercultura e do una mano sia nella gestione di progetti europei sia nell’organizzazione di eventi locali, con la comunità e i giovani del posto.

Questa esperienza mi sta permettendo di scoprire giorno dopo giorno una cultura ed una lingua nuova e di acquisire competenze importanti, sia a livello personale che professionale; la reputo un’esperienza importante anche perché mi aiuta a sentirmi ancora di più una giovane cittadina dell’Unione Europea.


My name is Angela Petruzzelli, I am 27 years old and I come from Puglia, in the south of Italy.

I studied in the University of Bari, and after my bachelor degree in Classical Antiquity and Archaeology and a semester in Paris as an Erasmus Mundus student, I studied in Scotland, France and Portugal as an Erasmus Mundus Student during my 2years Master studies. I graduated one years ago in Comparative Literatures and Anthropology.

After one-year work in Bari, Puglia, I decided to invest myself in a European project that could have been interesting to me and in order to have a new, different perspective.

I sent different applications to some EVS project and I finally started my 9months Volunteering Service in Dinan, in October.

Here I work with the cultural association Intercultura and I help in the organization of European project and in the setting of cultural events with the youngsters and the local community. This experience is helping me in discovering day by day a new, different language and culture and to acquire personal and professional useful competences.This experience it is for me important also because helps me to feel more and more a new European citizen, part of a United Europe.

Ciao!! Mi chiamo Teresa, ho 25 anni e abito a Reggio Emilia. Sono laureata in scienze dell'educazione. Da un anno lavoro come educatrice di strada con persone tossicodipendenti e persone senza fissa dimora e svolgo attività di prevenzione ed informazione sulle sostanze e sui comportamenti a rischio con i giovani . Ho iniziato a conoscere e vivere altre culture a 17 anni grazie all'esperienza di un anno di scambio culturale in Venezuela con AFS -Intercultura. Da lì la mia voglia di conoscere lingue, persone e culture mi ha portato a vivere 2 mesi a Aix en Provence come “fille au pair” e 6 mesi a Parigi. Ho partecipato inoltre allo scambio giovanile “Cinco Mondo” a Marsiglia sull'intercomprensione linguistica come strumento per la scoperta culturale e la comunicazione interculturale. 


Bonjour !! je m'appelle  Teresa, j'ai 25 ans et j'habite à Reggio Emilia. J'ai un diplôme en éducation; depuis un an Je travaille comme éducateur de rue avec les toxicomanes et les personnes sans-abri et je fais aussi un travaille de prévention et d'information sur les substances psychoactives  et les comportements à risque entre les jeunes. 

J'ai commencé à connaître et vivre autres cultures quand j'avais 17 ans grâce à l'expérience d'échanges culturels pendant un an au Venezuela avec AFS -Intercultura. De là mon désir d' apprendre plus sur les langues, les cultures et les gens m'a motivè à vivre deux mois à Aix en Provence comme "fille au pair" et six mois à Paris. Je également participé à l'échange de jeunes "Cinco Mondo" à Marseille sur l'intercompréhension linguistique comme outil de découverte culturelle et communication interculturelle.

Ciao a tutti, il mio nome è Chiara e vivo in un piccolo paese del sud Italia, in una regione bellissima la “ Puglia “.Nella vita mi piace divertirmi e per questo ho scelto di fare da grande la burattinaia.

Sono stata una giovane volontaria Sve nel lontano 2004 , per 6 mesi in Francia. Dopo questa esperienza ho partecipato a diverse formazioni e scambi culturali;ho collaborato a progetti europei con l'associazione  Link di Altamura, ed ora eccomi ambasciatrice qui in Francia.


Hello everyone, my name is Chiara and I live in a small town in southern Italy, in a beautiful region  that call "Puglia" . In the life i like to have fun and i  work in the puppets teather.

I was a young volunteer Sve  in 2004, to six months in France. After this experience, I participated in differents training and cultural exchanges; I worked on European projects with the  LINK association of Altamura, and now i'm an ambassador here in France.

Hey! Sono Vincenzo e vivo da sempre a Gravina in Puglia, sud Italia, ma sono sempre pronto a partire per fare nuove esperienze e conoscere tanta bella gente e culture!

Ho 29 anni (non ancora 30!) e dal 2010 sono entrato nel tunnel dei progetti europei, prima con il Programma Youth in Action e poi con il nuovo Erasmus+.

Ho partecipato a diversi scambi giovanili e training e ultimamente ho anche organizzato diverse attività in ambito europeo, tra cui uno scambio giovanie con l'organizzazione nella quale lavoro dal 2012, la Cooperativa Sociale EOS, che si occupa di minori in situazioni di svantaggio sociale.


Hey, I'm Vincenzo and I've always lived in Gravina in Puglia, South of Italy, but I'm always ready to do new experiences and to know a lot of good people and cultures!

I'm 29 (not yet 30!) and from 2010 I'm "addicted" to European Projects, at first with Youth in Action Programme, then with the new Erasmus+.

I partecipated in severeal youth exchanges and trainings and recently I organised several activities at European level, including a Youth Exchange, Play&Play (, with the organisation where I work, Cooperativa EOS ( which deals with minors in social difficulties.

Ciao, il mio nome è Leonardo ed ho 21 anni. Vivo a Santeramo in Colle, un piccolo paese in provincia di Bari, nel cuore della puglia a Sud dell'Italia. Attualmente studio Scienza della Comunicazione a Bari, ed ho partecipato a diversi progetti tra cui uno SVE di 6 mesi in Romania, ed uno scambio in Georgia a Tbilisi. Mi piace la musica, suonarla, e stare in compagnia. Adoro l'ironia! Mi piace viaggiare e conoscere nuovi posti e nuove culture. Divertiamoci! 


Hello, my name is Leonardo and i'm 21 years old. I live in Santeramo in Colle, a small town near to Bari, in the Puglia's heart in the south of Italy. Now i'm studying Comunication Science in Bari, and i were in Romania for a EVS project, and in Georgia in Tbilisi for a youth exchange. I love music, and playing, and be together. I really like irony. I like travelling and know a new place and new cultures. Let's have fun!

Salut, moi c’est Andréas, 27 ans, breton, j’habite et étudie l’animation culturelle à Rennes. Je travaille également à Dinan, avec l’association « Intercultura » en parallèle de mes études. J’ai eu la chance de rencontrer beaucoup d’étudiants ERASMUS (et autres programmes d’échange) durant mes études. Ces rencontres m’ont donné, me donnent et continueront de toujours me donner l’occasion de voyager à travers le monde.

J’ai vécu plusieurs mois en Grèce (Athènes, Patras), en Italie (Milan), et surtout 2 ans en Angleterre (Exeter, Bristol). Voyages que j’ai eu la chance de partager ensuite avec des groupes d’adolescents grâce à mon travail d’animateur jeunesse.


Je fais le choix de reprendre mes études dans l’animation interculturelle pour m’investir plus professionnellement dans des projets qui me tiennent à cœur et touchent aux valeurs humaines, d’échange, et de solidarité.


Hi, I’m Andreas, 27, Brittany, I living and studying cultural animation in Rennes. I also working in Dinan, with the association « Intercultura » in same time of my studies. I had the chance to meet a lot of ERASMUS students (and other exchange programs) during college. These meetings gived, give, and continue to always give me the opportunity to travel around the world.

I lived several months in Greece (Athens, Patras), Italy (Milan) and especially two years in England (Exeter, Bristol). These experience gave me the opportunity to share and shoow it to many groups of teenagers thanks to my animator work.


I make the choice to restart my studies in intercultural animation to be more Professional in projects that are close to my heart and about humans values, sharing, and solidarity.

Je suis Pierre, je viens de Dinan et j'ai 27 ans. Après la fin de mes études supérieures, il y a quelques années de cela, j'ai commencé grâce à l'association Intercultura à participer à différents projets européens (échanges de jeunes, Grundtvigs...) à travers l'Europe, mais aussi au-delà. J'ai ensuite fait un SVE en Italie dans une association que j'ai connu dans ces projets. Ayant appris l'italien j'ai pu trouver du travail sur place et rester une année de plus. Je suis maintenant à Bucarest vivant plein d'autres expériences! 

I am Pierre, I come from Dinan and I am 27 years old. Few years ago, after being graduated, I left the university and, thanks to the association named Intercultura, I took part in several european projects (youth exchanges, Grundtvigs...) all around Europe. Then I did an EVS in Italia in an association that I met during these projects. Having learned how to use italian I was able to find a job and stay one more year in Italia. Currently I'm living in Bucharest and experiencing a lot of new situations!

Hi there.

This is Steli from Romania. I’m involved in volunteering activities since 2010. I can say that I discover me through volunteering. I live in a small town called Baia Mare in the north part of Romania. I had the oportunities to move to other cities and countries but I said no at that moment and also this days I think that is gonna be hard for me to move from here.

Friends and the independence are two of the values that are part of my believes. Ready to meet new people everyday, interested in finding cool places to spend my free time, involved in different type of activities, cooking, dancing, reading books about personal development are few sentences that describe my personality.

27 years old, living alone, writing on the blog, taking care of 200 wallnut trees.

Hi! My name is Carol and I come from Terrassa, near Barcelona. A year ago I decided I wanted to be involved in all kind of Erasmus+ activities, let's see if I succeed! Currently, I’m in my last year of Political Science and I would like to take a specialization doing an Erasmus Mundus MA on Gender equality, according to my Erasmus+ program ambition. But before that happens, fortunately, I will do an Erasmus in Scotland.  At the same time, I work in the International Relations office at Uni and I do volunteer in La Vibria Intercultural. I have been participating in different international projects such as training courses or youth exchanges focused on Social Economy, Food Revolution or in environmental issues. However, I had my best experience last summer doing an Erasmus internship and living in the south of Italy for three months! 


Hola! Me llamo Carol y vivo en Terrassa, una ciudad cercana a Barcelona. Hace aproximadamente un año decidí que quería participar en todas las actividades englobadas bajo el programa Erasmus+, a ver si lo consigo!! Actualmente estoy acabando my grado en Ciencias Políticas y me gustaría especializarme haciendo un máster Erasmus Mundus sobre estudios de Género y así añadir una experiencia más a mi ambición sobre Erasmus+. Pero antes de que nada de esto pase, haré una estada Erasmus en Escocia! Combino mis estudios con el trabajo en la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales en mi Universidad y con voluntariado en La Vibria Intercultural. A día de hoy he participado en diferentes proyectos internacionales centrados en Economía social, Food Revolution o de temática relacionada con un medioambiente sostenible. Sin embargo, la mejor experiencia la disfruté este verano haciendo prácticas Erasmus y viviendo tres meses en el sur de Italia!

Hola! Mi nombre es Berta, tengo 28 años y vivo en la Garriga, una ciudad cerca de Barcelona. Estoy licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual. Prácticamente no tengo experiencia como participante de programas d’Erasmus+. Hice un intercambio en Italia cuando tenía 18 años. 

Aun así, me he movido bastante por mi cuenta y he conocido mucha gente de varios sitios distintos. Siempre había tenido muchas ganas de participar en un proyecto como este. Es por eso que me hace mucha ilusión compartir esta experiencia para poder aportar mis ideas y sobretodo para aprender muchas cosas. 


Hello! My name is Berta, I’m 28 and I live in La Garriga, a town near Barcelona. I have a degree in Communication Studies.  I have no experience as a participant d' Erasmus + programs. I did an exchange in Italy while I was 18.However, I have moved a lot on my own and I have met many people from many different places. I had always wanted to participate in a project like this. That is why I’m very excited to share this experience to contribute my ideas and above all to learn many things.

Mi nombre es Sandra, trabajo como coordinadora general de la Asociación AURYN desde hace más de 10 años y organizo las actividades que realizan los voluntarios europeos que están en la asociación.  He tenido la oportunidad de apoyar y participar en los diferentes proyectos europeos que hemos llevado a cabo como intercambios y cursos de formación sobre Derechos Humanos e Interculturalidad.  El último proyecto en el que  he participado ha sido un intercambio en Marsella sobre el tema de la intercomprensión en lenguas latinas.


My name is Sandra, I`m working as a general coordinator of the AURYN Association for 12 years and organizing the activities for the European volunteers who are in the association. Here,  I have had the opportunity to support and participate in the different European projects that we have make as exchanges and training courses about Human Rights and Interculturality. The last project that I participated in was an exchange in Marseille about of intercomprehension in Romance languages.

Hola a tod@s! Me llamo Miriam. Soy Educadora Social, Monitora de Tiempo Libre y administrativa. Hace un año, en Junio formé parte del programa Erasmus + que realicé un training course llamado “The Equilitri Compass” en Italia con diferentes países. Especialmente, me ayudó a crecer como persona, superar con fuerza los obstáculos encontrados en la vida y saber dirigirlos en la dirección correcta, fue una experiencia inigualable y muy gratificante. Ese mismo año también participé como voluntaria en la Asociación Juvenil Auryn en León y este año trabajo en la misma Asociación participando en proyectos como apoyo socioeducativo para favorecer el rendimiento escolar de niños y niñas de primaria y secundaria en situación de desventaja social.


         Hi everyone! My name is Miriam. I'm a social educator, animator and administrator. A year ago, in June I took part at the Erasmus+ program training course called "The Equilitri Compass" in Italy with participants from different countries. Especially, it helped me grow as a person, overcome hard obstacles in life and lead to the right direction. It was a unique and very rewarding experience. That same year I also participated as a volunteer in the Auryn Youth Association in Leon and now I work in the same Association participating in projects about social education support to encourage the academic performance of social exclusion children in primary and secondary school.

Hey! I‘m Monika from Lithuania but at the moment living, exploring, learning and enjoying Spain while doing my EVS in Leon.  Since I was 18, I‘ve started to participate in various youth exchanges, training courses, during my studies I‘ve taken a possibility of Erasmus exchange semester as well as a few Erasmus+ internships. I‘m glad I had this chance and all is left now - to spread those possibilieties to other youngsters!


¡hola! Soy Monika de Lituania, pero en este momento estoy viviendo, explorando y descubriendo España mientras hago mi SVE en Leon. Desde que tenia 18 años he participado en distintos intercambios juveniles, cursos de formación y también tuve una experiencia Erasmus durante un semestre y varios prácticas con Erasmus+. Estoy feliz de haber tenido estas oportunidades y todo lo que queda es difundir estas posibilidades a otros jovenes!


Labas, aš esu Lina, gyvenu Kaune, Lietuvoje. Studijavau lietuvių filologiją ir dabar kartais dirbu lietuvių kalbos mokytoja EVS savanoriams. Dalyvauju Erasmus + projektuose, kurie man suteikia ne tik progų pakeliauti ar gauti žinių, bet ir pabūti savo šalies ambasadore.


Hello, im Lina from Kaunas, Lithuania. I've been studying Lithuanian philology and sometimes I work as Lithanian language teacher for EVS volunteers. I participate in some Erasmus + projects and it gives me not just an opportunity to travel or to get knowledge but also to be an ambassador of my country.​


Sveiki, mano vardas Dovilė ir man 27 metai. Esu iš Kauno, čia baigiau istorijos studijas. Praėjusiais metais dalyvavau Grundtvig projekte "Re-ACT", kuris vyko Prancūzijoje, Graikijoje ir 

Lietuvoje. Aš laiminga, kad galiu dalyvauti šiame projekte, nes tai man bus nauja galimybė susipažinti su naujais žmonėmis ir dar labiau atrasti Prancūziją. Keliavimas padeda man pažinti

kitus bei save.


Hello, my name is Dovile and I am 27 years old. I am from Kaunas, here I graduated history studies. Last year I was a participant in Grundtvig project Re-ACT, which took places in France, Greece and Lithuania. I am happy to be a participant in this project, because it will be new possibility to meet new people and to discover France once more. Traveling helps me to know more about others but also about myself. 

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